Checklists to reduce diagnostic errors
John Ely, et al.
A review of the potential role of diagnostic checklists in preventing diagnostic error, including the rationale for use, types of checklists (general, differential diagnosis, and specific to common errors), and considerations for use.
Checklist Slides
Mark Graber
A comprehensive review of the potential role of checklists in diagnostic medicine including the rationale for use, the role checklists play in similar situations, and several checklists clinicians may find useful.
General Checklist for Diagnosis
Mark Graber, et al.
A suggested general diagnostic checklist for use in identifying clinical situations that pose a high risk for diagnostic error.
Demonstrating checklist with a patient
John Ely, et al.
A brief video demonstration of how a differential diagnosis checklist can be used collaboratively with a patient.
Thinking about Thinking: Coaching Strategies
Elizabeth Stuart, et al.
This resource provides a map of the diagnostic process with guidelines for "fine scalpel" ways to address specific pitfalls in student reasoning. This guide harvests the fundamentals of the process from research, and offers specific coaching strategies and activities that educators can use to identify and remediate pitfalls in thinking quickly and effectively.
Clinical Reasoning Difficulties
Marie-Claude Audétat, et al.
Written for supervisors, this piece assists in recognizing the specifics of learners’ difficulties in clinical reasoning and in crafting appropriate remediation plans. This practical guide makes visible the errors in clinical thinking (root causes and cues to help recognize them), as well as provides examples and scripts for coaching/feedback.